Tobias Associates PARA-MAG
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PARA-MAG™, THE COLLIMATING MAGNIFIER FOR THE GRAPHIC ARTS ELIMINATES PARALLAX Final register is no better than the accuracy of the stripping and lining up. Whether stripping to register marks, wet or dry, negative or positive image, or to blue line, the error of eye position or parallax can spell the difference between good or poor register. PARA-MAG will completely eliminate parallax error.

In using the photocomposing machine, many printers require that, for critical register, a plate be printed completely by one person. The reason is that each platemaker by virtue of height or personal technique looks at a line up mark differently in locking up the chase. The PARA-MAG can eliminate this difference by requiring that each operator look at the marks the proper way — at a right angle to the film surface.

FEATURES The PARA-MAG contains 7 or 10 power, flat field, coated, achromatic lenses. We use achromatic optics because we believe that anyone using a magnifier a good portion of the day needs to have the best, fatigue-free optics that can be designed. The unit is equipped with contrasting sighting rings which, when visually centered, indicate that the eye is exactly at a right angle to the surface. The bottom section of the PARA-MAG is made of a light-diffusing plastic which allows its use with negatives where the amount of light reaching the lens system is low. This feature also allows lining up film or glass with prints made on opaque material. The bottom surface of the PARA-MAG is shaped to prevent suction if used in wet stripping.

Product names profiled herein are trademarks of Tobias Associates, Inc.unless otherwise indicated.